Tuesday, May 1, 2012

State FFA Finals: Going Full Circle

Well, the time is almost here.  The time when over 2000 blue corduroy jackets will invade Cal Poly’s campus.  The time when there will be tears and celebration, joys and regrets.  That’s right, this Saturday is the annual California State FFA Judging Finals, hosted by Cal Poly, SLO.  This exciting, fun-filled day is a time when high school FFA students from across the state convene to compete in 19 contests for the chance of winning and going on to represent California at the national contest held during the National FFA Convention in October.  Students come to compete in a variety of contests, from Ag Mechanics to Livestock Judging to Agricultural Issues Forum to Agronomy (and many more).  After having spent a good part of the school year preparing for this very day through practicing with their teammates and coaches and participating in Field Days held at other colleges throughout the state, this is the capstone to all their hard work and dedication put into the contest.  For some students, this is the last contest of their high school careers, and for some it is their first.  For some students, this is their first time visiting Cal Poly, and for some it is the last. 

Well that’s where I found myself four long years ago, as a senior in the Escalon FFA Chapter.  I competed at the State FFA Judging Finals all three years I was in high school, and that was really my only exposure to Cal Poly.  After I left Cal Poly four years ago, I really never saw myself coming back, with the exception of maybe visiting some friends.  I would have never thought that four years later, I would be not only attending Cal Poly but I would also be serving as the emcee for the State FFA Judging Finals Awards Ceremony, the one moment in time that all FFA members work towards.  Needless to say, things have gone full circle and here I am today.

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